
Peters “Big One” Windcontroller / Midi-Flute

Viele Umbauarbeiten waren notwendig um den meisten Exportbestimmungen genüge zu tun, aber hier ist sie nun : Die ersten Bilder des in Produktion gehenden Windcontrollers : Peter’s Big One. Ich werde in den nächsten Tagen auch die technischen Daten bekannt geben. Die neue Homepage ist in Arbeit und in Kürze werde ich die Adresse der HP bekannt geben können.

Wie gefällt euch Peter’s Big One ? 🙂


Peter's Big One
Peter’s Big One Windcontroller / Midi Flute
Music Other Projects

SynthCheck with our Midi-Flutes

We checked out the new synthesizer with our Midi-Flutes. We recorded direct from line-out of the synth, without changing anything on the Music.

We used all three Midi-Flutes for the check. The left one is the prototype of Peter’s Big One (the productive type case has another design. The Flute is shorter and the middle part with the display is not on that position. :). The silver Midi-Flute is Peter’s Bro with another Mouthpiece and the right one is Peter’s Pocket Sista.

Peter’s Big One backside with all the free adjustable Controllers:


The recorded melodys. Free played, right out of the Box to check some instruments of the Synthesizer. The blowing noise is to loud on the instrument, but as we found out, can be regulated on the Synth.

Allgemein Minisuite

Home of Peters Wind Controller and Piwis minisuite

Peter's Big One

At the moment, we are in maintenance mode. We are back next week!

Welcome to Piwi’s private homepage.

This site is designed to provide my hardware projects,
Piwi’s DIY Midi Wind/Breath controller Flutes/Recorders (Top->Music/Instruments)
and my application Piwi’s Minisuite.
Other activities and other free Software are in Top -> Other Projects.
Piwi’s Minisuite 0.8.0.x Beta is free for private use.

Have fun on my homepage!

Peter Matschke aka Piwi



We are in a process of changeing our Homepage. Not all Pages are visible and sometimes an Error occurs.i

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